Sunday, September 6, 2009


Okay, I'll make this quick. Certainly not everyone will benefit from the extended weekend. Cashiers, wait staff, amusement park employees, I'm sure aren't too happy about the holiday we call Labor Day. Instead of Labor Day, why not call it "I've-got-to-work-a-few-hours-because-you-forgot-ice" day or "you-get-off-but-not-me" day? And even in the hustle and bustle of the one holiday that dictates wearing white pants and shoes as a fashion faux pas after its passing, there is rest for the weary. It's found in knowing Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

If you're unable to take the day off, I pray that you're able to find some time to reflect and rejuvenate. If it means a 10-minute power nap or a 24-hour hiatus from the daily grind, reflect on God's goodness and rest in His truth. You might not be able to join in on a sanctioned day with the rest of us, but I pray you can be satisfied with whatever God brings your way!

To one and all - HAPPY LABOR DAY!

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