Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Manifesto #2... I will accept the beauty of my heart and not the words of well-meaning disputers who don't, by their very nature, have my best interest at the forefront of their hearts. I will embrace the truth about me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Unequivocally, I truly believe peer pressure is a by-product of sin. Whether warding off taunts and teases from those who call you "friend" or doing everything to keep up with some one's standard of perfection, any "tsk" or "oh dear" is a trigger leading to criticism and disapproval. The harshness of being judged without trial or jury is, in my estimation, an injustice. But those with closed minds live a solitary life. They they live to oppress with condescension, coercion and repressed contempt, they themselves know of no other way to exist. It's not an excuse for their behavior; it's simply a sad commentary for their actions. They too, by God's design, have a choice to turn from their oppressive ways.

If you're on the receiving end, you have a different report to believe, don't you? The report you should believe is not from the lips of naysayers and oppressors. The truth that you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" casts a great light over the darkness of being called incompetent, worthless, dummy, stupid, ugly, good-for-nothing. Just knowing someone can spew such filth is enough to make the human soul sick to its stomach.

What do you do? STOP BELIEVING THE LIES! I will agree that statement is easier said than to put into daily practice. Trust me when I tell you many have gone before you in disastrous defeat simply because they had resigned themselves to believing lies. These precious hearts have grown weary from the pressure and resigned to become drug addicts, alcoholics, sex addicts, abusers, homeless, prostitutes, inmates and runaways. And sadly, some have died believing they were the product of such falsehoods. Is this the epitaph you care to be buried under or will you believe a different report which offers a hope and a future?

I humbly pose the question again -- Whose report will you believe? God sees things quite differently and He has more to say about the content of your character than any lie branded on your heart by those who oppose a "beautiful creation." Why wouldn't He when after all, He is The One who created you beautifully in your mother's womb? Some of you would say, "But you don't understand. All my life, people haven't been good to me!" You are right. I may never fully understand the hardships you've had to endure, but it's not about me. It's about finally believing the truth and living the life God created in you long before the foundations of the world.

"God don't make junk!" was once a rallying mantra causing us to take pride in who God created us to be. Today, more and more women are subscribing to lies from well-intention sources left and right. The truth is God's the only source for truth and He says you are an exquisite "pearl of great price." You are the radiant "apple of His eye." He finds you outstanding as His "treasured possession." In fact, I Peter 2:9 says, "You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light."

When you're uncertain if what people say about you is true or you feel pressure to believe the the words of well-meaning disputers, go to a clarifying source. Refute the lies by asking the Creator of your soul. He will tell you the truth. Once He does, you just have to believe Him!

A Willing Prayer... Dear God, my heart has only ever known untruths about my worth and my existence from those who pressure me with lies. Remind me to always embrace Your truth and to act upon it. And even when lies abound, help me in navigating through treacherous waters and set my course aright. You are The Only who has my very best interest at heart because You alone fashioned me in Your beautiful image -- AMEN.

Next Week... Manifesto #3: I will expand my mind to feast on knowledge and understanding and not allow it to atrophy because learning gets a bit too complicated. My mind will not become a wasteland of mindless media facts, but an oasis of hope in fulfilling the promises of God.

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