Did I ever tell you we have a dog? Her aliases include Mrs. Wigglebum, Baby Girl, Crazy Puppys (my husband's contribution) and Ginger Girl. A mixed beauty with a beagle bark and a Rhodesian Ridgeback prey drive, Ginger lights up our world.
Her flame hasn't been all that bright lately and in silent anguish, I took her to the vet hospital today. Pain meds and rest were prescribed (for her, not me). And as she climbed gingerly into the back seat with her hairless brother, God reminded me of His great love and care for us all. "All creatures of our God and King! Lift up your voice and with Him sing - Alleluia!"
Puppy, pooch or person, God loves and care about us all!
Psalm 104:24 - How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.
How is Ginger Girl doing????
Obviously another dog lover. Good on ya!
And did you ever ponder how non-human creatures--and even inanimate and insensate things such as wind and rain can praise their Creator? I think they do that simply by being what God intended them to be, and fulfilling the role He has for them.
It was your reference to Francis of Assisi's great hymn that caught my eye this morning. If you enjoy reading about our hymns and their authors, I invite you to check out my daily blog on the subject, Wordwise Hymns. God bless.
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