Sunday, August 22, 2010


Waters crash against the hull of our hearts. Mercilessly pounding a painful rhythm. Its systematic ebb and flow resembles the realities of life. Children rebelling against an awesome God. Sickness and disease ravaging a loved one's body. Infertility and barrenness crushing the hopes of unsuspecting couples. Economic conditions leaving families one check away from homelessness. We gasp for air, we cry for help before the next big wave. Only a minute to send up an SOS. Our minds race for the words of life. What would you say?

After the lost of his only 4-year old son to Scarlet Fever, the great Chicago fire that completely destroyed private property and the lost of his remaining 4 daughters at sea, Horatio Spafford penned this powerful hymn...It Is Well With My Soul:

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When dark clouds like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say
It is well with my soul

Lord only knows the devastation of life we carry within our souls. And while every one's life writes a story, God provides the final chapter through the pen of confession, redemption, grace and forgiveness. Whatever my lot THOU hast taught me to say... we are incapable of bearing up under the weight of the waves. God never asked us to. But as "our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1), He teaches us through the pain. He comforts us through the anguish, the disillusionment, the remorse. And in the storms of life, we learn to echo the words David did..."yet will I trust You." And prayerfully, may our eyes look up to the hills where our help comes because through it all, our help comes from the Lord (Psalm 121).

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