Saturday, October 16, 2010


"There aren't enough hours in the day!" How many times have we heard that one? For most of us who suffer from "Notimetobreathitis," we understand the quandary time presents. From the second our feet touch the floor, busyness defines us. We juggle. We multitask. We wear several hats. We bear many burdens. But if you ask the average woman what she secretly desires more than more time, you might be surprised by the response. She desperately wants to slow down the pace, to stop living life in hyper speed. I know I do, but what's a poor woman to do?

We raised that question in my Bible Study a la Carte a few weeks ago. Okay, side note...Bible Study a la Carte is an elongated study we adopted for our women's small group. First, we wanted to be sensitive to a woman's time. By stretching each chapter over a longer, specified period, women unhurriedly feast on the bible study experience instead of fret over its fast-food pace. Next, we present chapters in a self-contained format. Simply, each chapter of a particular study stands on its own. Much like the toppings on a pizza, participants select their chapter preferences. If all a woman can accommodate in her schedule are three chapters over a 10-chapter study, she never feels disappointed in what she has missed. A pizza -- dough, sauce and cheese -- is still a pizza no matter the added toppings much like Bible Study a la Carte -- worship, teaching and fellowship -- still fulfills its purpose in meeting the spiritual needs of the women we serve.

So a few weeks ago, we tackled the issue of setting priorities. Most of us wanted to become better time managers. All of us just wanted God's perspective on the matter. So, in a la Carte fashion, we found ourselves in the throes of Nancy Leigh DeMoss' workbook, Lies Women Believe. Did you know Jesus had a to-do list? It's true! He came to do what the Father called Him to do. When He prayed for Himself and His disciples near the end of His tenure this side of heaven, He spoke these words -- "I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave Me to do" (John 17:4).

Jesus completed everything on His "to-do" list. Okay, I know you must be thinking, "Oh course He did! He's Jesus!" Before walking on waters unfounded, let's read the verse again. This time, embrace the truth of our Savior's message and not the lie generated from satan's insinuations. First, Jesus did things that brought glory to the Father, not to others. He received no applause for His actions. He sought no pat on the back for His efforts. He knew "doin' the stuff" for God would not always be popular, but necessary to fulfill His kingdom's purpose. Does our "to-do" list bring God glory? Or does frustration consume our next big "doing?" If so, then ask the Father what would bring Him glory, then do it!

I have completed "the work You gave me to do." Isn't that what Jesus prayed? He worked in conjunction with the Father to accomplish the order of His day. Whether dining with Zaccheus, witnessing to the Samaritan woman, curing the woman with the long-standing, blood problem or healing the Centurion's servant from a distance, Jesus set about the task of doing all the Father gave Him to do. Nothing more...nothing less. This led our study to the real kicker. Did Jesus ever say "no" to doing? Actually, He did. When He received word of Lazarus' illness, for example, "He stayed where He was two more days" (John 11:6). Even His reason for not tending to the immediate was to bring the Father glory (vs. 4).

You see, many times, we as Christians will say "yes" to things before checking with the Father. And before most of us can catch a breath, our "to-do" list morphs into someone else's "please do" list. "Can you please do this?" or "Can you please do that?" sends us into a reclusive state without a forwarding address! There's nothing wrong with doing. The real conundrum is doing what we're called to do.

It's so important to check with the Father on everything. He knows busyness' penchant -- to keep us burdened under satan's yoke. And you know what happens to a yoked animal who grows tired of doing? It stops doing things all together. Here's a word I hope you add to your vocabulary. When asked to do something that the Father has not called you to do, just say "no." I assure you the world will not end. God's work will get done, but it is the Father who supplies the laborers (Matthew 9:37, 38).

"There aren't enough hours in the day!" That may be true for some. Yet, in the light of eternity, twenty-four hours seem reasonable. When we find ourselves fretting over the hours in the day to finish our "to-do" list, just remember, "being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Phil. 1:6).

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hi Doris,
I really enjoyed this post!
No better way to get our priorities straight than to ask our Heavenly Father what we should do!
As you shared: may our thoughts and "doings" always bring HIM Glory.