I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. -- John 14:18
November...what a beautiful month! In the midst of this luscious autumn season, November boasts the likes of All Saints Day (11/1), Veteran's Day (11/11), World Kindness Day (11/13), World Peace Day (11/17), World Hello Day (11/21), Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in November) and National Family Caregivers Month, just to name a few. Impressive, yes, but why the big hoop-la over a month? Because amongst the changing leaves and memorials, November is also National Adoption Month. A month dedicated to orphans (or what we call "waiting children"). A month, I believe, should be dedicated to the word becoming flesh...at least for a child.
When I first learned of the Heart Gallery of America almost 10 years ago, Diane Granito worked as a family placement recruiter for the New Mexico Children, Youth & Families department. In most agencies, the process in the adoption system was simple...pair children and families through a snapshot and bio. And if you've ever experienced the steps and stages of adoption, you know that the snapshots in adoption books greatly resemble mugshots and bios only list the barest facts.
Ms. Granito knew the drill and from The Heart Gallery of America website, Diane "thought the very least she could do for children looking for adoptive homes was to take a decent photograph. Not a snapshot, a portrait by a professional." She knew that for an adoptive child, a picture is worth a 1000 words. And since people are apt to adopt a younger child rather than an older one (or multiples), a basic snapshot may not warrant a second glance for them. That's where Ms. Granito's good idea -- taking a better photo -- turned into a beautiful vision -- feature portraits of waiting children in art galleries. This brought hope to children long considered difficult placements because of age or sibling group concerns.
Today, Heart Galleries have opened in 48 states with more than 1000 children placed in forever homes. "While Heart Gallery exhibits have helped raise awareness about adoption through foster care...119,000 American children are waiting for adoption as you read this. They need any and all support you can provide."
My encouragement to you...if you've ever considered adoption as a family option, visit a Heart Gallery nearest you. Support their efforts in your prayers, financial donations, volunteer acts or even through adoption placement. If there is no Heart Gallery in your area, won't you be the arms and heart of God's little ones by starting one in your church or community gallery? Contact the Heart Gallery of America online for details.
Until next time!
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