I am not in the habit of bringing attention to myself. Some call it maintaining a private moment. I just call it discernment. I wait on God for His timing. When it's right, I do; when it's not, I wait...and wait. The waiting and doing transforms into winter and summer, layering and shedding. Each one necessary, yet only one having its own set of challenges.
Over the years, my husband and I met multiple miscarriages and eventual infertility head on. And much like a blizzard, we needed all the love, understanding and support to cover our mental and spiritual bare parts. In that season, my waiting scarcely resembled the singing nor joy I read in Isaiah 54:1. In fact, I wore tears like a long scarf, questions like a wool cap and sorrow like a parka.
Eventually came the shedding season. Psalm 40, Psalm 121, Psalm 124 and Isaiah 54:10, to name a few, brought hope and a choice to our circumstances. Hope that our help came from the Lord and a choice to believe Him for the strength that comes with each new day. The shedding season may have started with a touch, a kind word, an encouraging note from a friend. No matter. My seasonal garments were no longer fitting the season. He had "taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!" (Psalm 30:11b-12 - NLT).
This Mother's Day, whether...
- you can't be a mom
- you wannnabe a mom
- you missed being a mom...several times
- you would be a mom for the 1st time
- you would be a mom...for the umpteenth time
- you just became a mom
- you're soloing as a mom
- you became a mom in another way
- you're in the throes of muthahood (Anita Renfroe reference here)
- you're adjusting in the mental, physical, spiritual & emotional challenges of momhood
- you're grieving a life payment from disease as a mom
- you have a mom
- you're an empty nester mom
- you're caring for an elderly mom
- you had a mom...
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