Thursday, July 7, 2011


With school out and my child relishing summer break, I'm stuck in an office wishing I could enjoy the summer with him. But I'm learning alot while school's not in session especially since I work in the office of an educational facility. Within these hallowed halls I have 2-1/2 months to drink in some much-needed peace and quiet. I have an opportunity to reflect over the past school year and right the mistakes I've made. And without the demands and deadlines that come with planning school events, I can concentrate on unrealized ideas I've placed on the back burner. To believe I would have the freedom to do all these things if I were at home would be an illusion. Why? Because someone or something would vie for my time and attention and believe me, this HGTV junkie would spend more time in front of the TV instead of in silence and solitude.

I know we have our perfect picture of how things should be in our lives. We want what we want when we want it, but we've a lot to learn in the most unusual of circumstances. God never steers us wrong when He teaches us. His lessons are always solid when we loosen the strong grip on our own agendas. We learn so much from His ways and they are much better than our own.

What am I learning over Summer break? I'm learning how to let go and let God have control of my Summer (and my life). How about you?
Dear friends: I can use your prayers. I'm preparing to attend the She Speaks conference in Concord, NC (July 22-24). Although I'm still writing, I'm taking a big leap of faith and have enrolled in the Speaker's Track. Pray that all goes well and that God would open doors of opportunities for speaking engagements. Take care and blessings!

1 comment:

1i_Studios said...

I am so proud of you, Doris! I believe that this leap of faith is just what THE Doctor (Jesus) ordered! You will not only be blessed, but be a blessing!!