Wednesday, September 21, 2011


He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. – Psalm 91:1

What part of your home exudes tranquility? Is it the peace and serenity of your bedroom with its matching shams, bed skirt and comforter? Or do you find your sanctuary amidst the infused glow of scented candles and soft music from your safe haven of a bathroom. I tend to vacillate between my “Chick Cave” of a basement and my eclectically-covered back porch. It may not be as fanciful as a House Beautiful magazine spread, but when I need a mental break from the chaos, it’s where I go to “rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” We all need a place to rest, a place to lay aside life’s burdens. But where do you go when tranquil space is not an option?

God understands the way the world turns. On meager fare, not everyone gets the luxury of a “Calgon-take-me-away” bathtub experience or a lavish weekend getaway. Because after the tub drains or the weekend is over, we only have a fragrance that wears off after a few hours and a memory that soon fades. So when the world’s problems turn on us, He is the ultimate, peaceful refuge who offers a place of protection. He is the perfect dwelling place harboring us in an imperfect world. He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).

To dwell in the shelter of the Most High is to find the ultimate place of rest and no bedroom, bathroom, basement or back porch will ever compare!

Full Embrace

1. Where do you go when tranquil space is not an option?
2. What have you taken to God to find rest for your weary soul?

An Encouraging WordOh Lord Almighty, we need you. Be our place of rest when we’re weary. Be our shelter when we’re burdened by life’s hardships. We come to You. You draw us into Your comforting shadow. Thank You for a place to rest. Thank You for Your great peace. AMEN.

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