1 John 3:19, 20 – This then is how we know we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. (NIV)
1 John 4:4 – You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (NIV)
Colossians 3:16 – Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. (NLT)
It’s not a debate over whether “White Rock rules!” or “Soul Train forever!” But I get more than a chuckle when life imitates song lyrics. All genres aside, a little ditty will flood my thoughts and a “Doom Gloom and Agony on Me” moment will turn into an “Oh Happy Day!” My mental discography varies with the mood, but sure as rain on a spring day, my psyche will bust out in song. Whether a somber dirge, gut-wrenching ballad, hopeful hymn, dancing disco, country-twangin’ jingle or Christmas carol in July’s spinning in the “Cobwebs of my Mind,” “It Don’t Matter to Me.” I feel the message unfold and much like a prayer of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, God moves me to creative action.
On the cusp of our son’s manhood – okay, he’ll be turning 13 next week – my head’s been spinning in Top 10 Musicland. As an attitude rises from his gut, a song rises from mine. Too old to keep him locked up in a tower (he’d find the key and we’d be skirting terribly close to breaking the law), I’m left lamenting in the moment, humming…
+ HELP! (Beatles)
+ Ball of Confusion (The Temptations)
+ I’m 18 (Alice Cooper)
+ Some People Gotta Learn the Hard Way (dcTalk)
+ Leave Me Alone (Michael Jackson)
+ All By Myself (Gino Vinnelli)
+ I Did It My Way (Frank Sinatra)
+ Every Rose Has Its Thorns (Poison)
+ Papa Don’t Preach (Madonna)
+ I Gotta Be Me (Robert Goulet – yeah)
But just as sure as the sun peers through the eastern sky, psalms, hymns and spiritual songs can also rise from the depths of frustration and eclipse into a lyrical prayer. So whether you’re dealing with your own brand of teen angst or an issue where words can’t quite convey your heart’s cry, know that God hears and He attends unto all our prayers. And if your prayers just so happen to carry with it a tune, sing it with soul! Here’s a few of my all-time favorite “spiritual” hits:
* God is Greater (First Call)
* Amazing Grace (any version)
* From the Inside Out (Joel Houston)
* Voice of Truth (Casting Crowns)
* Like You Lord (me & hubby)
* Resting Place (Daphne Rademaker)
* Your Love Oh Lord (Third Day)
* Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus (William Kirkpatrick and Louisa Stead)
* Less Like Scars (Sara Groves)
* First Song That I Sing (Sara Groves)
* Yes (Doris - me)
* What a Friend We Have In Jesus (any version)
* You Never Let Go (Matt Redman)
* Enough (Chris Tomlin)
Full Embrace
1. What are you currently going through?
2. What song(s) closely relates to the situation you’re currently facing in your life?
3. What song(s) or scripture(s) has God given you to eclipse the above situation?
4. To remember, keep a record of the song(s) or scripture(s) (Habakkuk 2:2, 3).
An Encouraging Word – You are an amazing God. Sing Your sweet words of truth over our lives, our homes, our families and our circumstances. Give us the patience to endure, the strength to stand and the heart to sing our prayers as psalms, hymns and spiritual songs when mere words can't convey. AMEN!
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