Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Mountain Park Ranch - Phoenix, AZ

It may not seem like much to you, but as I stood before the mouth of my mountain, God spoke. “Do not fear. Take the first step.” I said a prayer. I inhaled a deep breath. And like Indiana Jones extending his foot toward an invisible bridge, my journey into walking through my fear of the unknown commenced.A few timid steps onto the smaller pebbles caused my mind and heart to race. “Lord, what if this or that happens? God, what if I reinjure my ankle? Papa, what if I come across something these size 11 shoes can’t squish!” It’s like that, you know.
In the waiting… “The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?” (Proverbs 20:24 – NLT)
To understand Him became my choice and my choice became a step of faith. I wanted to place this fear in my Savior’s capable hands and now was the time. Today, Much-Afraid* would be put to rest as I waited for God’s directive.
In the waiting… “God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.”
(2 Samuel 22:31 – NLT)
With my sights on Him, I hummed and prayed. I walked across those desert stones to the first sizeable structure in my path – a boulder. No anxiety crept in. And as I extended a leg up, God spoke again. “Well done in the waiting. Celebrate your bold, first step!”
After tackling first steps in the waiting.
 God didn’t call me in the waiting to tackle the mountain peak… yet. Because much like an infant exploring the world from a vertical view, those first steps are crucial in development. They wobble and hobble. They stumble and fall. But under the watchful support of a loving parent, soon their pace quickens their gait strides confidently. So I learned…
In the waiting… “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10 – NLT)
 Waiting Prayer – Release the grip of fear over my sister or brother. Their life has been purposed to walk in Your footsteps, to trust where You lead. Where fear may cause him or her to doubt those first steps, assure them of Your great love to walk confidently as you hold them up with your victorious right hand. AMEN.
Blessings to you – In the Waiting*The main character in Hannah Hurnard’s book, “Hind’s Feet on High Places”

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