I love my driver’s license picture. Silly, huh? Most people consider their snapshot 90 degrees shy of a bona fide mug shot destined for America’s Most Wanted! Not me. I plan this baby out! Right down to flashing my pearly whites and wearing my Sunday best. And you know what’s so great about it? I get to do it again every four years!
Am I delusional? I may or may not be; but if I am, I have a good reason. You see, that license encapsulates a 4-year, self-worth image. Every time it gets pulled out, it places our hearts on display, whether we want it out there or not. We feel in the time it takes for the one holding our 2¼ by 3½ self, judgment gets passed. Think about it. An officer pulls us over for going a tad too fast and what’s the first thing they want from us? The bank teller or loan officer needs to verify our identity and what’s the one form of proof we have? Although they are only doing their jobs, we may unknowingly internalize the question, “What will they think of me?”
Take a look at your driver’s license picture. What do you think of the woman staring back into the window of your soul? Is she smiling or when the picture was snapped, did she chalk her look up as one of those “terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad days?"
Now, take another look at the picture and ask this question: “What do You think of me, not the picture, but me, God?” The One who created you and me in the beginning and found His handiwork to be “very good,” also declared, “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you” (Song of Songs 4:7).
This truth allows me to love who He has made, to love who I am. I don’t have to dismiss, downplay, give pat excuses or wish I were in Australia like the aggravated book character, Alexander. Remember, He finds no flaws in you and me!
My license also makes people wonder why I smile and gives me the perfect opportunity to tell them why. I consider it my personal testimony card because someone’s bound to ask, “Great picture! What were you so happy about?”
From the inside out, God finds His creation beautiful...even if He has to remind you in a driver’s license picture. So love the you He has created!
Embrace His Truth – Psalm 139:13, 14
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I KNOW THAT FULL WELL (capitalized for emphasis).
Too cute! I've never thought about it. I'll have to pull mine out. Visiting from Finding Hope. Loved your post over there. I can relate in many ways. Hope to get to know you better!
You've given me a totally new perspective on driver's license photo. Mine is up for renewal in a couple of months.
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