Wednesday, April 24, 2013


If anyone out there knows Norma J. Lacey Wallace, alert me immediately. She captivated my heart and changed my life. This first grade teacher, towering no more than 5 feet, if that, stood poised in front of the eager, the rambunctious, the shy, the awkward, the athletic, the brainy, the class clown and commanded my classroom. Every word proceeded from her mouth, every tone and inflection left us mesmerized, speechless. Every action in her corrective measures bolstered fairness. She entertained no excuses for not trying. She only encouraged we try our best to develop in our talents and gifts.

The day I found out Miss Lacey would conduct her home visit over lunch at my house I drove my mother crazy in the preparation. I sent grease, grime and dust bunnies packing. Come to think of it, I believe my sisters mysteriously disappeared during the cleaning debacle as well! I didn’t care. I would have cleaned our house a million times tackling a squadron of dirty critters for one day with the most amazing teacher that ever lived! Wouldn’t you?

Teachers leave that sort of impression on impressionable minds. They change the “what ifs” into choices. They transform new life to the impossible. The “what ifs”? It’s taking glimpses of a dream and giving it a voice – “what if I decide to become this” or “what if I hope to do that?” Without a teacher to direct, shape, mold and guide, limited options unfold beyond the “what ifs.” It took a while, but I have a great love for the English language, an adoring fascination for research and an infectious love to teach others what I’ve learned because of Miss Lacey. To this day one of my endearing mantras – “learn something new every day!”

Jesus manifests His indelible impression in our “what ifs” also. When we release and relinquish heart and soul to His impressionable change, He captures and captivates our hearts. When our choices align with His teachings, He takes us farther from the pain of our past selves and deeper than our present imaginations. In essence, the Teacher awaits those willing to learn (Exodus 4:12; 1 Kings 8:36; Psalm 25; Psalm 32:8; Psalm 119:171).

So apart from Miss Lacey’s home visit, how did chili and oyster crackers change my life? It was the meal I helped my mom make and graciously serve that Friday over lunch. How’s that for leaving an impression on a first grader! If you know her, tell her, “Thank you!”

My challenge to you…
Who left a “chili and oyster cracker” impression in your life? Are you able to thank them in person? If so, do it; if not, write them a letter of appreciation. Can you give voice to at least 2-3 “what if” scenarios from your past? Have they proven successful today?

Prayer…Thank You God for the “chili and oyster cracker” impressions roaming in our lives. They remind us of those who have cared enough to leave their mark. I pray we remember them for their love and commitment to their calling. Finally, I thank you for the choices they provided in our “what ifs.” No matter where we are in life, may we choose wisely from the choices they laid before us. AMEN.

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