Wednesday, February 17, 2010


man-i-fes-to: man'e-'fes-to --noun: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives or views of its issuer.

Why a "manifesto" and not some other way to convey a point? Because too often intentions, motives and views get sugar-coated and watered-down by polite triviality. We'd rather spare someone the harsh truth than to speak that truth in love. "Oh, it's none of my business what she does with her life" merely becomes an excuse to avoid what we find most difficult. God's love doesn't come sugar-coated and His truth is never watered-down.

If pressed for the reason why we sidestep the tough issues, I would contend it's because we never really learned the proper way to broach such touchy subjects. The media has been the world's teacher and the lessons all point to remaining politically correct, impartial and non-threatening. Any deviation from societal norm, labels one subversive, intolerant and meddlesome. When you've been on the blunt end of a lie enough times and are finally introduced to truth, you ultimately end up promoting the side of good and rejecting the opposition. And I, for one, have seen far too many suffering sisters accepting things about themselves that God never intended nor created in them. So if speaking God's truth and offering God's choice to brokenness, hopelessness and despair labels us, I hope it is the choice more of us will accept.

When God spoke to my heart as I formulated these declarative statements, I knew He was requiring a call to action. His encouragement was that although the journey may take a lifetime for His daughters to travel and the scenery may not always be picturesque, He was not going to disappoint His weary travelers. "My teaching is as precious as your eyesight -- guard it! Write it out on the back of your hands; etch it on the chambers of your heart. Talk to Wisdom as to a sister. Treat Insight as your companion" (Proverbs 7, from The Message).

Next week -- Manifesto #1: I will learn that my life is a purposeful one filled with endless possibilities if I am willing to battle the odds and stay focused on my true course.


The Rigelsky Family said...

BE BOLD sister!!!!!!!

1i_Studios said...

Doris, I think this is one of your best posts to date! I praise the Lord for how He has equipped my sister! You are a joy and a delight! I love you!

1i_Studios said...

Doris, I think this is one of your best posts to date! I praise the Lord for how He has equipped my sister! You are a joy and a delight! I love you!