Friday, April 1, 2011


Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. - Proverbs 13:12

Heartsick. Desperate. Confused. Stressed. It's the journey I've traveled these past few months. The sights haven't always been breathtaking and not one postcard went out, "wishing you were here!" A deep sense of Psalm 23:4 has swept over my "even though." And though this King's kid knows her Abba Father is with her through the "valley of the shadow of death," I have to be honest with you. When you long for the destination, an extended stay in the valley can take its toll on the best of us. I know it has on me and I am desperately longing for a change of scenery.

And yet in the faint distance, I hear hope blowing ever so softly in the wind whispering, "my child, this is the way; walk in it." I have to remember that through the chaos of mounting marital miscommunication, preteen paranormal activity (believe me, that's what it looks like) and unexplainable medical abnormalities. I have to "be still and know" who is God. I'm not. He is and in the longing, God brings hope through His Word. It's in this faithful and ever constant reminder the heart learns to feel less sick. Hope moves from deferred -- which, by the way, means "suspended or withheld until a certain time" -- to delivered. It's His Word that delivers hope. And I am learning to be assured that He dries tears by morning's light (Proverbs 30:5-NIV). He's a hiding place from the storm (Psalm 32:7-LB), a contingency for every natural disaster (Isaiah 43:2-LB) and a renewed strength in weariness (Isaiah 40:31-KJV). Thank you for allowing me to share and blessings!


SHE SPEAKS CONFERENCE & PROVERBS 31 MINISTRIES - That's how Embrace His Truth pretty much got (re)started almost 3 years ago. I stumbled over a link on a bible study site and was swept away by this ministry. This quote comes from one of this year's She Speaks' conference speakers, Ann Voskamp...

"The She Speaks Conference is about women connecting the hearts of women to the heart of our Father God."

My heart's desire is to write and speak. Okay, I might not know now what the journey may entail, but my job is to trust and acknowledge God with the details (Proverbs 3:5, 6). Are you trusting God with the desires of your heart? Is He speaking softly in your valley to speak, to write or to lead in women's ministry? If so, may I offer you what has been freely given to me? An opportunity to take the first step on a wonderful journey...She Speaks...She Writes...She Leads. Click the links below to begin your heart's journey and hope we connect along the way!

She Speaks Conference Website

Ann Voskamp's Website

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