Tuesday, August 23, 2011


One wish. And like that; granted. What would your one wish be? A resolution to world peace? An end to famine, homelessness, disease, poverty? A second chance at life, at love, at forgiveness?

Remember, one granted wish. How about one wish that hits closer to home? Okay, "Make me rich." "Give me a brand-new home." "Make me young again." "Restore my marriage." "Heal my child." "Change the doctor's diagnosis." And though they may be our own personal wishes, they can sound more like desperate prayers. The only difference between the two...prayers get answered; wishes don't.
In the past, I can't tell you how many times I wished for a gazillion dollars...mostly when I didn't have a dime to my name! Did I get it? Nope! But as I matured in God's Word, my one wish turned into wanting more of THE ONE!
One wish. It may never come true.
"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him and he will help you (Psalm 37:5)." Granted.
Full Embrace
  1. Can you recall one wish from your past?
  2. Did that wish ever get granted?
  3. Is there one scripture that leaves you committed to trusting God for help?
Encouraging Prayer - Dear Lord, though our help comes from You, remind us daily to trust in it more than our wishes, to want You more than the object of our desperate pleas. You alone grant our heart's desires as we delight ourselves in You. Amen!

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