Thursday, August 25, 2011


Dear Embrace His Truth Readers: Much like Paul's letters to the churches in Ephesus, Corinth and Galatia, I extend greetings in our precious Savior's name. The One who keeps us all from falling, I stand ready to honor His calling and I remain humbled by your faithfulness to read this blog.

Consider this letter one a friend would express to a companion in the faith. As God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, He knew in advance our destinies. If to teach, write, sing, speak, pray, give or serve, our Lord formed such giftings through the image of His Son...before foundations settled and the earth evolved. My encouragement to you...step out in faith!

I shall do the same and have been drawn to do so for quite some time. Each step, like being splashed by the waves in the ocean, overwhelms me with excitement and succumbs me with a bit of fear of the unknown. And now that I find myself more than waist deep in my passion to write and speak, God challenged me with two mandates from this year's She Speaks conference.

First, FIND MY VOICE -- I can either remain splattered all over the pages of my various passions or focused on the object of His affection. Finding our voice in Him alone defines me, defines you. Our voice embodies not only our words, but our actions, convictions and yes, passions. When asked, "what do you love?' or conversely, "what do you loathe?" our voice reaches beyond the diaphram and warmly embraces its role in the body of Christ. To find our voice is to find Christ in the center of ourselves. Its imprint unique to who He has created me to be. So as my voice grows stronger through prayers and posts, I encourage you to journey along with me. Find your voice...embrace your role in the body of Christ.

Second, LET GOD CHISEL A LEGACY -- In her keynote address to 650, God-ordained writers, speakers, and womens' ministry leaders, Proverbs 31 Ministries' founder, Lysa Terkeurst, set the high bar. "Let God Chisel!" What lies trapped in the granite of complacency, the sin of comparison, the fear of failure, the muck and mire of worthlessness is this fearfully and wonderfully made individual God has called out of darkness and into His marvelous light.

In the midst of the chiseling, Lysa posed this question: "What 3 things do you want to be known for?" I took notice. No one ever asked me that question before and certainly not in the context of such a painful proposition. I had to be willing to let God chisel away at areas in which He received no glory to be ultimately known for 3 things which would bring Him glory.

Bring Him glory any way He sees fit...that's my sole desire. As God chisels away to form my legacy, I sense this legacy inhabiting my voice. Though Passionate Encourager is the first to emerge from the good work He has begun, I believe He is truly faithful to bring the rest of this legacy to completion. Allow the tools of a gentle carpenter's Son to chisel a legacy within you. 

In the coming weeks, I anticipate Him chiseling away at what I once held dear...this blog, my style of writing, my approach to ministry and prayer, my views on risk taking, my willingness to be obedient to the call of Christ. The One Wish post unveils but the start of the Master's workmanship. I will be soliciting stories from those passionate about encouraging women facing the tough stuff and I am working on redefining my tagline. In fact, email me your initial thoughts and comments on what I've come up with so far (it's not "chiseled" in stone yet)...

Perspective - Encouragement - Peace
Applying God's Truth To Your Past...
Embracing God's Truth For Your Future!



1 comment:

1i_Studios said...


I love this:

Perspective - Encouragement - Peace
Applying God's Truth To Your Past...
Embracing God's Truth For Your Future!

Walk into the success the Lord has for is your time to shine. I love you as a sister, friend and fellow work-woman in HIS service.
