Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Obsession has a mission with nothing to do with fragrance. Obsession fixates without rhyme or reason. Its preoccupation leaves all else wandering for its place to be known. Once the object of one’s affection captivates the mind, nothing shy of divine intervention can break its intoxicating spell. Obsession has no conscience, has no friends and has no prejudices. Truly, obsession’s mission…to bring irreparable damage to God’s sons and daughters.

To prove a point with a bit of amusing flair, even our canine beauty, Ginger, has her own obsession. We call it “the Light of Zorgon!” (a reference to the “Men In Black” movie). You may know it as a harmless laser light pen. Her obsession…to capture and destroy “the Light of Zorgon!” She’ll nip away at the rugs, run into the furniture, bite her paws. She doesn’t care what it takes or what happens to her in the quest. She must capture what cannot be. We know, sadly to our sadistic amusement, this mysterious light will always elude her.

Life’s vices have a way of pointing a laser light at our obsessions. Whether we’re preoccupied with the “oh, that’s nothing” infractions or the “oh dear Lord!” entrapments, we’ll stop at nothing to gain ultimate satisfaction. Sadly, the object of our obsession finds great pleasure in promising what it cannot deliver. The chase: elusive and fleeting. The result: emptiness and dissatisfaction. I once felt I could never measure up. No matter how hard I tried, that “Light of Zorgon” called perfectionism toyed with my sanity. I looked like a tangled marionette before I finally came to my senses and fell to my knees in surrender.

God’s not elusive. He points us to truth. And no matter how far gone we may feel in our obsession, He encourages us with this…

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you may stand up under it. – I Corinthians 10:13

Full Embrace 
  1. What has been an obsession or vice for you?
  2. What have you done to escape its grasp? Has it worked for you?
  3. What escape has God provided for you in your obsession or vice? Has this worked out for you?
Encouraging WordDear Lord, our obsessions have left us dissatisfied and empty. We cry out “Help!” Remind us of Your faithfulness. Help us accept Your way out and not fall into the elusive trap of carving out a niche of our own. AMEN.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Christ alone can free my heart from unhealthy fixations! Praise GOD that HE delights in setting me free!
Thank you for this post. ((HUGS))