Struck without words, you listen. Faint at first, you lay aside the false pretense to only regard thunderous homilies from heaven. The peaceful presence of His presence leaves you breathless. You mutter something, but find it inadequate. The tendency swells within you. Become what you think…inadequate, worthless. You strain to know, to become what He thinks. The voice grows stronger drawing your undivided attention. “This is my beloved in whom I am WELL pleased.” The affirmations drown out the tendencies. He pronounces clearly His truths over you. “I Am your refuge and strength. I created you fearfully, wonderfully. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I Am the One who heals your diseases. I Am the One who dries your tears. I Am your hope and your future. I will uphold you with My righteous, right hand. I love you.” Then, all subsides.
“You love me?” The question looms over our past, our scars, our loneliness, our brokenness, our emptiness. Our ordinary morning becomes more than ordinary. And as the beauty of His Words overshadow our typical “luv Ya” morning, we move from navel gazing to the heart-amazing realization of who truly loves who. He loves you alright! Are you ready to get this day off to an extraordinary start?
Full Embrace
- When was the last time you woke up to an ordinary morning?
- What event or set of circumstances caused your prayers to become ordinary?
- What affirmations have God pronounced over you lately? Write them down.
Encouraging Word - Dear Lord, We wake up daily to earthly realizations and everyday it wears away at Your pronouncements over us. Send Your reminders in and through creation. Lead us not into the temptation of turning a day in which You have made into anything but extraordinary. You love us and as Your beloved children, You find great pleasure in making that love available, accessible, free. AMEN.
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