Saturday, August 27, 2011


She loved him but hated where his life took them. The man she promised to love, honor and obey back in 1958 and the father of her children had caused fissures in their covenant. Early on, minor infractions escalated to power struggles which stemmed from issues with gambling, alcoholism, infidelity and domestic violence. Hattie wished life were different, but on those nights her husband would come home drunk and broke, wishes didn’t stop the fights nor the 3 a.m. police calls.

Her only saving grace from the constant anguish came from her nightly scripture readings, “Our Daily Bread” devotions and prayer time. No matter how late or how tired or even how aggravating the power struggles got, she never missed spending time with God. She believed God beyond her pain. She trusted God beyond her despair. Her prayer: ”make Your provision known to my children,” lightened her burden until the next time she could meet up with God again.

God heard and answered that prayer in the parking lot of the local racetrack. Friday was payday. For Hattie that meant grocery shopping. If her husband came home in a good mood, all would be fine. This week was a crap shoot because he had mumbled earlier about playing a tip at the horse races. Normally, she made do on what she stockpiled in the freezer, but this week’s list included much-needed staple items. “Lord, we need your provision!”

The buzzing sound of the VW Bug engine puttered up the driveway. Hattie drew a deep breath and without a second thought, sent one of her daughters outside to run interference. “Dad, we need to go to the grocery store,” his daughter chimed in before the clutch idled into first gear. He seemed none too happy about the proposition, but within minutes, the family loaded into the tiny orb and headed for the grocery store.

From a human standpoint, I can’t say it ended with everyone happily joining hands around the dinner table thanking God for the meal. Hattie’s husband had a tip on a horse that day. After the grocery store, they ended up waiting in the VW bug, but Hattie opened up a pack of wieners and buns and prayed over that meal. “Thank You God for providing for my children. Amen.”

John 6:48 - Yes, I am the bread of life!" (NLT)

Psalm 37:25 - "Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread." (NLT)

Psalm 119:116, 117 - "Lord, sustain me as you promised, that I may live? Do not let my hope be crushed. Sustain me, and I will be rescued; then I will meditate continually on your decrees." (NLT)

Isaiah 41:10 - "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (NIV)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doris thanks for sharing this story. It reminds me that we should be content where the Lord have placed us. It may not be happy moments but the Lord is there with us seeing us through it all. God bles you!