Monday, June 24, 2013


You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

Freedom really isn’t free. A term we have heard time and again, but as believers in Christ, what does it mean to be free? A paradigm and paradox rolled up in an anomaly as far as the world is concerned. Where the world views freedom as an act of fleshly indulgence, we are called to give of ourselves. The world answers to the axiom, “Be the master of your own destiny.” All who call God Savior, Master, Abba Father and Friend rely on Him to direct, comfort, lead, protect, instruct, rebuke, forgive and love without condition. Freedom does not relinquish us from responsibilities; it calls us to freely serve the least, the last and the lost. Those who answer that call respond with a resounding, “Here am I, Lord! Send me!” Have you answered the call?

1 comment:

Vilisi said...

Freedom is never free, is it? People have given their lives to protect freedom. And of course, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, that we might enjoy liberty in this life and the next. So yes I agree,we must walk in our Christ freedom responsibly. Thanks for sharing. :)
God bless.