Monday, August 2, 2010


Baby of the bunch, my niece, Adora made it her sole purpose to hang back in a crowd. Very aware of her surroundings, her curiosity for connection rang evident. "Will anyone miss me if I'm gone? Will I be pursued? Okay, at first, this freaked me out. Hide-n-seek may translate well in a controlled environment, but not in a crowded mall or grocery store. But with a determined stance (and a wicked grin to match her curiosity), her message spoke loud and clear. She wanted assurance from the ones who claimed to love her. Will you pursue me, yes or no?

We grow "curiouser" and "curiouser" pondering the question as well. We know our Savior loves our heads. The words echo from the pulpit and resonate from the bible studies in which we engage. But in doubt, we find ourselves hiding amongst the crowd of despair. God says "I will never leave you nor forsake you." But the assurance is as far from our hearts as the east is from from west. We think it doesn't translate well in our circumstances. It sounds foreign in our pain. But Jesus calls out our names. He calls us His beloved, His daughter, His friend. He responds to our hearts with His great and precious promises. And He says what He says and means what He means. Daughter, I will NEVER leave you NOR forsake you. Beautiful one, "I AM with you always even until the end of the age." He will not forget us because our names have been engraved on the palm of His nail-scarred hands.

Adora knew full well Auntie Doris would quickly assess her absence and scurry frantically to retrieve her, embrace her, remind her of my love. Do you know the same about a Savior passionately prepared to pursue you?

1 comment:

Jess said...

How I wish MY heart would not wander! HIS pursuit of me is so precious, may I never take it for granted.