Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. - John 15: 13
I didn't know Frank Buckles. From his army photo, he was a handsome, young man born on a farm in Missouri. He had an optimistic attitude that carried him through near-death experiences and a three-year detainment during WWII. But in February 2011, Mr. Buckles became the last known living American-born "doughboy" of World War I. Honored by a nation, this 110-year old serviceman was laid to rest amongst his band of brothers and sisters on a knoll in Arlington National Cementary.
Like so many other unpretentious men and women called to duty (voluntarily or not), we set aside Memorial Day to celebrate their heroic efforts. For some, we're moved by the pomp and grandeur of patriotism. Touched as we raise our hands to salute them for the price they paid for our freedom, we gaze proudly upon a flag and recite the words that pledge our allegiance. I am honored, but what makes us free doesn't remain in the grave. Our dear men and women died defending our soils; Christ died to deliver our souls! Our brave soldiers have only one life to give for our country; God gave up His one and only Son, Jesus Christ for this entire world. Those who may come home to a less-than hero's welcome are eternally welcomed into the arms of a loving Savior who died that we might live, who loved that we might know His love and friendship.
My encouragement is that you are stirred this Memorial Day not only by the Frank Buckles of the world, but by an eternal memorial. Jesus may not have been born on a Missouri farm, but he came to earth with a set captives free, to bind up broken hearts, to comfort all who mourn, to provide for those who grieve in Zion, to rebuild, restore, renew and to bring good news to us all. And for this, Christ loves you and calls you friend! What an eternal memorial!
1 comment:
Simply BEAUTIFUL, Doris!!!!
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