Monday, April 1, 2013


“But now, this is what the Lord says – he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel; Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)

I was not there, but can you imagine his angst? The wretched pangs knotting up in his stomach as he waited to be called. “I’ll take Harry.” “Give me Joe.” “Okay, Fred.” The selection dwindled down to one. Faces grimaced from the odd team out and a pitiful pause rose up from the leader of the pack. It was then a heavy sigh heaved from the gut of this lone soul. Last…again. It defined his childhood, shaped his thinking and formed his character. Last picked, last chosen, last considered, last preferred, again and again.

Have you known the heartbreak of “lastagain”? Though “fearfully and wonderfully” created by God, your self-image stands marred by the thoughtless (or purposeful) actions of past others. Those stings cause our sensibilities to camp out on the question, “Am I really worth it?” It leads our confidence to turn cowardice over the thought of change. It pummels our assuredness into apprehension as we learn to test our creative wings. “I’ll take anyone, but you.” “Give me anyone, but you.” “Okay, anyone, but you.” Eventually, "lastagain" thinking injures. A faint whisper echoes out from our wounded little girl who never quite got over rejection’s sting.

But there is One who calls you beautiful. He calls you blessed, highly favored and He calls you by name! Pure motives, pure heart, pure intent. He chose You and you were first on His mind when redemption’s plan hung settled on the Cross. Never to suffer the sting of last chosen, last considered, last preferred. You have been summoned by name by the One and only God! Fully surrendered to Him, that makes you first in His heart.

My challenge to you…
When was the first time you were “last…again?” Where did that experience take your emotions then? Where do you take those emotions now? If not to the One who makes you first in His heart, why not do so today?

What one prayer can you pray today around “last…again?”


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