Wednesday, July 17, 2013


"Be anxious for nothing...well, you know the rest of the Philippians 4 verse, right? I've poured out and still God pours in more. More opportunities to make His glory shine in my dark places. More chances to serve Him and you in my transparency. It doesn't make posting easy, but I didn't sign up for easy.

I cried, "here am I Lord. Send me," when brokenness called. I listened as a women group leader in Living Waters' off and on for nearly 15 years. I saw hopelessness restored. I taught and encouraged shattered souls and exhorted stubborn aversions to staying stuck in sin. Was it easier to offer my 2 cents in tough issues instead of Christ's? I must admit at times, yes; most cases, no. But weighing the cost, Christ's offering was far more valuable than the advice my own frail frame could ever give. Because after all, I walked the same journey and experienced the consequences of my humanness. Therefore, like a survivor thankful for Christ and the Cross, I blog.

I needed to share my thoughts because next weekend (July 25-28), I will be headed to Concord, NC for the annual She Speaks Writers Conference hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries. This will be my fifth year in attendance and this year, I feel strongly directed to plunge into the unfamiliar. This feeling has me a bit (GULP) nervous and though Philippians 4:6 states to make my request known to God, I need a few "Aaron's" and "Hur's" to lift up my arms (oops - if you don't know the story, read Exodus 17:7-16).

I have two publishers' meetings scheduled for my follow-up book I've entitled, "Pieces: The Journey Journal". Last November, I gave birth to the impetus behind this journal. "Pieces: Choosing Peace in the Rebuilding of Our Lives" was not only a labor of love but a painful delivery. The process of self-publishing and promotion (both not easy), needed to be experienced much like a first-time mom desiring to give birth naturally. The next birthing needs assistance (click the pic to order an e-book; email me to buy a copy)!

Where do you come into this blogger's heart? In my own strength right now, my proverbial "Amalekites" are discouragement and anxiety. I mean what writer ever feels good enough about what she writes? It is a battle to keep things in perspective and that isn't always easy. But again, I didn't sign up for easy and writing to bring hope and encouragement to survivors is why I cried, "Send me!"

My requests have been made known to God, but my arms could use a lift. Will you pray as God leads you? Pray also that He keeps me open as one of His servant scribes.

Apart from my YouTube video posts, I will connect before I leave. In the meantime, my prayer for you...

Sweet Savior - When we call, You answer. Simple, promise-filled words, but oftentimes tough to remember this side of heaven. But I will trust Your great ability to remind us, to embrace us, to lead us homeward. Keep each of my readers, sisters and sojourners focused and familiar to Your call. AMEN!

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